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Re: Hidden Agenda

At 01:03 PM 5/10/95, Mark H Linehan/Watson/IBM Research wrote:
>A colleague of mine asks that I post the following additional point regarding
>one of the key design issues for iKP, just to make it clear that there is
>nothing hidden:  "most US people do not realize that for a payment system to
>make it it must be exportable.  

>SSL and SHTTP are not unless you castrate

That is not true in general. It depends how you use them.

>them.  This is why iKP was designed the way it was.  It leaves privacy of the
>order up to SSL/SHTTP to stay clear of export issues, but it secures privacy of
>the PIN and payment info with strong crypto wrapped in a snap-in component that
>can be used only for payment and is thus exportable (BTW we already have the OK
>from NSA and DoC in principle)."

The real reason why an payment protocol is needed is that it is a 3-way
protocol -- SSL and SHTTP cannot do that.  Export is a separate deal.

>Mark H. Linehan
>IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, Hawthorne, New York
>linehan@watson.ibm.com; LINEHAN at WATSON
>http://w3.watson.ibm.com/~linehan/home.htm (inside IBM only)
>(914) 784-7860; 8-863-7860; fax (914) 784-7484
Taher Elgamal                   
Chief Scientist
Netscape Communications Corp.
501 E Middlefield Road, Mountain View Ca 94043.
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